The Alexa ranking system ranks large numbers of websites in terms of popularity. It is derived by examining the projected daily average unique users and pageviews for a certain site over the previous three months.
According to Alexa, the lower the Alexa rank, the more popular the site is. It also considers how a website performs compared to other websites, making it a helpful measurement KPI or competitor strategy. Alexa rank is determined by combining projected traffic and visitor interaction over the preceding three months. Data from its toolbar is used to assess traffic and interaction. This monitors a user’s surfing activity, a random selection of all Internet users.
Alexa Rank Calculations
The Alexa Rank is computed by combining the approximate average daily unique visits to the site and the projected number of page views over the previous three months. Their ranking algorithm relies on traffic reported by their “global data panel.” This information is collected from online consumers who utilize one of the extensions for Google Chrome, Mozilla, Internet Explorer, and other browsers. The Alexa ranking system examines a website and computes the frequency of visitors. When the same person accesses a website many times within the same day, it is considered a single visit.
The standards used to determine an individual site’s rating are based on two factors:
- Unique daily users: the number of Alexa users that visit a site in a single day.
- Average pageviews: the number of times Alexa users see a specific page or URL.
The website with the greatest aggregate of unique users and pageviews is rated first. The algorithm also checks for confounding variables and adjusts its ranks to compensate visitors who aren’t part of Alexa’s measurement panel. It has also been claimed that Alexa uses third-party data to provide a fuller understanding of internet users.
Pros Of Alexa Ranking
- If you generate money from advertising on your website, a higher Alexa rank might enable you to demand more for advertising space.
- You may quickly estimate the traffic to your competitors’ websites, which you could compare to your own.
- Possibility of attracting higher-quality guest authors who wish to contribute content to higher-ranking sites.
- Insights regarding your website’s performance may be valuable for further SEO/marketing efforts.
Cons Of Alexa Ranking
- Only individuals who have the toolbar installed have access to the data. As a result, many sites with substantial traffic will have a poor rank.
- Alexa Ranking can be easily altered, making the rankings even less accurate.